A Story of an Infoscion

on Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This post contains the recent story of a trainee in Infy, unfortunately who got fired
in the middle of training.
Lets hear the story in his words only.(Read it completely do not miss the end)

I was sitting on the footpath right outside my hostel building with
all my bags packed, waiting for the golf cart which had to drop me
till the gate of the Infosys campus in Mysore. Infosys Technologies
ltd. is the most prestigious software company in India and its campus
in Mysore, where all the fresh entrants are trained is considered to
be the best in India. I looked at the surroundings. Road was empty and
there was no one around. All the trainees were attending classes as it
was around eleven in the morning. A lovely breeze was blowing and I
could see some birds frisking, frolicking and playing pranks with each
other but I was alone. I was alone when all my friends were in the
class. Now even the birds, the wind and the trees had started teasing

I couldn't resist myself from shedding another drop of tear although
I'd been doing the same the whole last night. Of course, I was
checking out but that was not the only reason for the tears. It was
something much bigger than that and very much contemptible. I was not
leaving the campus after completing my training but I'd been expelled
from the company. Or I can say, I was being thrown out. I felt like

Then appeared the white colored cart coming from the road adjoining
Food Court 2. The cart reminded me of my first day in the campus and
took me into the past for sometime.

What a lovely evening that was? How excited I was when I put my first
step into the heaven called as Mysore campus of Infosys and was
completely engrossed with the thoughts of future that what I will do
and how I'll enjoy in the campus. First thing that came to my mind
that day was to explore the campus and locate all those places I'd
seen in those lovely photographs. I sat into the golf cart which took
me through some long and winding but neat and clean roads. The first
building I noticed was that football shaped spherical building which
appeared behind the lush green cricket ground on the right side of the
road. In fact that was the only building I'd seen before coming here
but I was amazed to see a building on the left which was under
construction. It was absolutely phenomenal and resembled the Colosseum
of Rome. There was another one which resembled the White House but
wasn't white in color. Some guy in the Cart told that it is GEC or the
Global Education Centre where we'll go through our training.

The cart stopped at a small building inside which there was a kind of
a reception. We got our luggage checked and room was allotted to me.
The guy sitting next to me in the cab was to be my room mate. His name
was Varun and was a tall but slim guy from Punjab with a lot of beard
on his face looked as if he's not shaved since ages but that really
gave him a typical Punjabi looks. I was just thinking how someone like
me from Gujrat will stay with such a guy who doesn't even bother to
shave his face. Then we were sent to our hostel in another cart. We
just found out that our hostel is nearest to FC2 and moreover, the
hostel right next to us was a girl hostel. That Punjabi straight away
planned to buy a new binocular so that he could easily peep into girls
rooms during night.

I opened the door of my room and could not believe my eyes. It was the
best room I'd ever seen with my own eyes and was just exhilarated with
the thought that I'd be staying here for next few months though with
some one who looked to be very unhygienic. But that was not a problem
at all coz like all the Punjabis Varun was quite nice at heart. We
just kept our bags and explored the whole campus. We saw the lovely
swimming pool, Gymnasium, Bowling alley, Market and Habib's
haircutting saloon from where Varun got his beard trimmed.

The classes started and we were made to sit in a big room having a
huge white board with a couple of projector screens in the front and
opposite to that were numerous seats each having a separate computer
system. I was made to sit in the third row and luckily between a
couple of girls though both of them had just ordinary looks. Later I
came to know that we were made to sit alphabetically when I got
introduced with both those gals. One was Ganmeet from Punjab and the
other was Geetha from Mangalore and sandwiched between them was me,
Gaurav Keswani from Vadodra.

Both those gals were quite antithetical in their behavior, style,
knowledge and everything they did. Where Ganmeet was quite simple,
Geetha was stylish like all ultra-mod and hap Bangalore gals. Ganmeet
was calm, composed and reserve but Geetha was dynamic and extrovert.
And most importantly, Ganmeet was good in her logics and a very strong
programmer and Geetha was a contrast in this matter too. This I
realized when she asked me to debug her first C-language assignment. I
was shocked to see the code. She had put the include statement within
main. God, she was a B.Tech in comp. science. But her cute and
embarrassed smile was clearly accepting her weakness. I helped her and
this became a routine. Within in no time we grew very close to each
other. We used to have the meals together, we used to study together,
we used to watch the movies together and we used to go out together.
Our friendship grew more intense when she flunked in the first module
test of C language but I got an 'A' and so did Ganmeet. But my roomy,
Varun had also flunked. So Geetha and Varun they both had to appear
for the re-test. Everyday I used to teach them and make them practice
more and more. Now we were like a group. Four of us started staying
together as Varun and Ganmeet, both being punjabi's grew very close to
each other. Now instead of me, it was Ganmeet who taught him.

Then came the retest. I and Ganmeet were waiting for both of them
outside the hall. Varun came out happily clearly showing that he'd
cleared and he did. Many came out but she was still in. I was getting
worried as only I knew that the hopes were less. It was the last
minute when she came out jumping and without speaking a word threw her
self on me and kissed on my cheeks. Many had seen but all knew what
had happened. I was stunned and so were Varun and Ganmeet. It was
obvious for a guy who never had any gal in his life and was kissed by
a hot south Indian gal in front of whole batch. But she took it as a
very normal thing and I pretended the same.

"Its all because of you Gaurav, that I've cleared it. Hats off to you
sweetheart", she said.

We were not into any sort of relationship but that's how she used to
call me and in fact all her close friends. But there was nothing wrong
in it and I enjoyed it. We grew more and more close to each other. She
took care of me in every sense: my dressing, my eating and what ever I
did. She told me many things about gals which I'd never known. We now
freely shared our body secrets to each other.

On the next weekend she took me to Bangalore where she'd done her
engineering degree. We met many of her friends, my friends and went to
famous markets and malls of the city. One thing I could say, she'd a
very happening friend circle. In the evening we went to a pub where
both of us danced after gulping a couple of beer mugs. The dance grew
more and more passionate with time. It was my first time in a pub but
she was quite used to it. Next evening we left for Mysore which is a
three hour journey from Bangalore. But there I'd spent the best
weekend of my life.

On the way, we talked about everything on the earth. Then she kept her
head on my shoulder and held me which I could say was half a hug. I
just responded. I'd never sat like this with a gal ever in my life.
Everything was so nice and tender. Time seemed like flying. I wished I
could've been like this forever. I'd fallen in love with her.

"You know what Gaurav", she said.

"What?" I asked.

"You remember that guy Raghav, whom we met in Garuda mall."

"Yeah! Why?"

"We've been in love for last 3 years and yesterday we planned to
marry." she said shyly.

It was all over for me. Ground escaped underneath my feet. I just got
away from her in a flash and asked, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I thought I'll tell you after you meet him. I hope I wasn't wrong?"

"No.. You are right. Anyways Congrats" I said, sounding very low.

"thanks." she said.

No one spoke a word after that for next one hour. She was busy with
her iPod and I was with my novel when suddenly she asked," What
happened Gaurav? Why are you so quiet?"

"Nothing", I said.

She kept on asking again and again but I'd the same answer until she
got irritated and said," you are telling me or not?"

"Its of no use dear. You can't do anything about it." I said and
rightly so. I loved her and she loved someone else whom she was going
to marry.

"Well, let me make 3 guesses." She said in a very naughty tone and I agreed.

"Ok. Hmmmmmmm. You didn't enjoy with me at Bangalore?" she asked.

I nodded my head straight away. Both of us knew that this wasn't the
reason. I thought she was just trying to change my mood.

"thennnn. U didn't like Raghav?"

Now she was coming to the point. This was somewhat the reason but not
the exact one.

"Hey. He's quite good yaar and both of u make a nice couple. And it's
your life; I don't have to marry him. So, last guess now." I replied.

"Then… you've a liking for me?" She said smiling.

I was caught. In fact clean bowled. She'd hit the bull eye. I turned
red. I tried my level best to control my expressions and said,"No way
yaar. I don't like to call engaged nos."

"ohhhhh. Mr. Gaurav keswani think about it again."

I had to admit it now. And this time she laughed. I asked the reason
but again she laughed. I was perplexed at her enigmatic laugh. Finally
she spoke.

"You know what my stupid."

"What?" I inquired filled with curiosity.

"Raghav and I are just friends you dumb."

She broke into chuckles again. I was confused and even I'd started
smiling now and finally started laughing with her.

This time I held her and said, "I love you Geetha."

"I love you too stupid. And did all this coz I know that you were not
going to propose me easily" She replied.

We both fell in each other's arms and waited for our destination.
Finally Geetha was mine. It was the happiest day of my life. We
reached Mysore campus and again got busy into our same daily routine:
attending the classes, completing assignments, studying in the class
after dinner, going for long walks and kissing each other when ever we
got chance. I always used to thank god for the life he'd given me.
Modules tests came and went. I kept on getting 'A' grades and she
somehow managed to clear them. Both of us were quite happy. We made a
few trips with Varun and Ganmeet to Ooty, Coorg and Mangalore which
was Geetha's home town. We met her parents there who were very humble
but her little sister was naughty like her.

Now we had entered the last month of our training. Shortly we were
going to have our comprehensive exam which was a mixture of all the
modules which we'd studied so far. It also included a practical exam
in which we'd to complete a project within 3 hours and it was the
toughest thing especially for someone like Geetha. The day for compre
came. All of us cleared it but Geetha. Both of us were very depressed.
Now she'd to appear for it again. Actually compre is the most
important part of the training. If you don't clear it your training
won't complete. Now retest was the only hope for her.

Retest was the very next day. We were going to classroom after dinner.
And suddenly she started crying.

"Gaurav. I really love you." She said.

"I love you too sweetu. Don't cry. Everything would be ok. I'm there
for you. I won't let you flunk again." I consoled her.

"No. I will because there's no way out. And we'll be separated forever. "

"No dear. It won't ever happen" I said and took her in my arms.

"Gaurav. Can you do something for me?" She asked.

"Of course my love. My whole life is yours." I said.

"You'll have to sit along with me tomorrow. You know every one does
it. Meenal's boyfriend helped her out that's why she cleared. I hope
Even I can expect this much from my love." She said.

I was drowned into deep thinking because it was really risky, In fact
very risky. We could've been thrown out of the company if caught. But
on the other side was my love. What I would do in the company without
her because if she fails she'd be out, I thought. Then I just looked
into matter carefully that these people never count the number of
candidates appearing for a test and how many are extra. Then I thought
that I'll sit on another system and complete the project and submit on
Geetha's employee id.

The day came; we all were sitting in the class room. I was sitting a
bit far from her and finally we got the project. It was not at all
tough for me. I started working on it and had completed almost half
when Srikkanth.M entered into the classroom. He was our batch owner,
just like a class teacher in schools. Don't know how but he'd got the
report that no. of candidates appearing were more than the no. in the
list. I was shocked. It was a dead end to my career. Coming time won't
be easy for me and I'll have to face a lot, I thought. I look at
Geetha's face. She was looking as lovely and innocent as ever. But she
too was badly shocked. But don't know why, I wasn't afraid. Love had
given me a special courage and I was doing it for my love, no one
else. So what if I'm caught. Srikkanth knew me quite well as I was
among those who'd got 100/100 in his module, java. He looked at me
straight away and called me.

Srikkanth himself was shocked when he found me as the culprit. But he
was helpless as company is very strict against the cheating cases. He
asked me again and again the name of the guy for whom I'm screwing up
my career. But how would've I named my love. I didn't speak a word. He
insisted again and again that Infosys needed brains like me but I
would not listen. Finally he gave up and reported to HR department.
The same question was asked again and again from me but my love was
the most important thing in the world for me now. They then asked me
to write a resignation letter and I did the same. I was fired.

Someone's strange voice hit my ears and came out of the world of my
thoughts. I was still sitting on the footpath and looking at the trees
and the birds.

"Come on sir. Sit in the cart." Cart driver said.

"Oh yes. Lets go." I replied and left the campus and the company for ever.

Now you all must be having one question your mind. That what about
Geetha? Geetha cleared the exam. I think I had taught her enough and
rest she cheated from the guy who was sitting next to her. I waited
for her call after the incident but she didn't. I called her but she
didn't attend my call. And most interesting thing is that it has been
8 months since that incident but we never had a talk.

Moral:Boys beware of girls.Never ever screw your life for sake of a girl..Cheers :)


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My Dream will be a Reality soon.