My blog is invisible

on Friday, June 5, 2009

I’m feeling that my blog is invisible for the following reasons:

I slave away( Not really..!) on my posts, pouring every ounce of emotion, creativity, and insight I have into them. I submit my best work to Digg,, and StumbleUpon, certain that people will vote for my posts and send me a torrent of traffic. I link out to other popular bloggers, desperately hoping that you’ll grab their attention and earn a link in return.

But it’s like no one even sees me.

Other bloggers ignore my links, acting like I couldn’t care less about what they wrote. My posts get buried on Digg. None of the few people who do stop by leave me a comment, telling me to keep going, that I’m doing a wonderful job.

It’s like my blog is invisible… and I wonder if there’s anything I can do about it.

Well, I want to try some points as much as I can which will make my condition better. Here are some

How to Stop Being Invisible

Write what your readers want to read.

It’s a hard truth to accept. Most of us live in a culture that tells you to “be who you are” and don’t worry about whether anyone likes you or not. Telling people exactly what they want to hear feels.. dishonest.

Get over it. If you’re going to be successful online, you need to find the overlap between what you want to write and what other people want to hear. It’s a process every writer goes through, and I’m no different.

Accept that you have to be valuable to your readers. There’s no other way to get (or keep) their attention, and the day you stop is the day they stop reading.

So I just have to figure out what they value, and give it to them in an interesting way. Stay turned for my next post onwards I’ll try these and lets see how it goes..!


Oxford NinjaCovid said...

Google has turned off something so all your great comments can't be read,

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