Let Your Readers Copy and Edit Your Blog Posts with gooseGrade

on Friday, June 5, 2009

Mistakes are pretty common to happen. These are much painful when you do them on something big like your Blog Posts. Now, A new service called gooseGrade is here which lets your readers to change any part of the blog by copying or editing your blog posts. The hope is that they’ll help fix your mistakes instead of filling up the blog’s comments or your e-mail in-box with correction recommendations.

"GooseGrade does rate the ‘crowd.’ Each user has an accuracy rating for how often their corrections are accepted. We find this by dividing corrections accepted by total corrections posted. This should help keep spamming at bay and also provide an easy way for the author to know whether or not to listen to the grader. ex. ‘joewxboy is correct 95% of the time.’"

To get this working on your blog , all you have to do is to put in some code in your templates. This adds a small gooseGrade rating stamp that users can click when they want to correct you. While in this correction mode they can simply highlight things that need fixing, make a recommendation, then send it your way. The moment they do that, the post’s gooseGrade, which starts at 100, begins to drop incrementally. Each user recommendation takes it down a few points, and it will not go back up until you’ve addressed it, either by accepting the change or simply declining.

As the blog owner you get a notification for each edit, and you can then go in and see what the suggested change is and have it fixed with one click.

gooseGrade to edit blog posts

Making a correction on someone else’s blog is as simple as highlighting it. You then get to choose what you want fixed in one of four categories.

What makes the service particularly attractive to publishers is that it tracks these errors and corrections in a central location. If you’re part of a group blog, this system helps you figure out who on your team needs the most development or hand-holding before hitting the publish button.

Another attractive reason to have it on your blog is that the service will highlight networked posts in one central location that organizes popular or otherwise notable stories. Like SezWho, which has done something similar with comments in networked sites, there’s some real potential for this, that is as long as enough blogs are participating.

The service will be launching in beta soon. So grab it as soon as possible to make your posts flawless.


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