How to choose the Best Web Hosting Company

on Friday, June 5, 2009

Web hosting is one of the most important factors on which your Blog or website’s success depends. What is the use of thousands of visitors when your web pages don’t load on time or spit out some error? For this reason, a lot of emphasis has to be placed on selecting the right web hosting company for creating a profitable website.

Here are some tips for choosing the right webhosting company:

#1: The correct price
How much should you pay for hosting? It depends on your requirements: disk space, and bandwidth. It also depends on any special requirements you have. Ideally, you can get decent hosting for about $10/month. However, this figure is definitive. There are hosts that offer hosting for still lower prices.

#2: Proper support
Select web hosting companies that offer proper customer support. Most web hosts offer support via a ticket system (help desk), or through live chat or telephone. Ensure that your company offers 24 hours customer support. If you have any problems you should be able to get it solved at any time.

#3: Up time guarantee
Web servers may have outages due a number of factors. No one can guarantee 100%. Most hosting providers guarantee 99.9% uptime. Many also provide refunds or free hosting in lieu for downtime.

#4: The terms of service
It is important that you read the terms and conditions before you purchase hosting. Many hosts have restrictions on the content type. For example, some hosts may not allow content related to pharmacy or of adult nature. They also have restrictions on the type of scripts you run.

Like this there are many points which you should consider to get the best web hosting company for your Site or Blog. You can add any more tips to this list as comments.


Unknown said...

Good news

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing.Here i wish to add some additional information to choose web hosting.
Whenever you choose a hosting provider,be aware that provider is trustworthy and provide 24/7 technical support.
Here i list out some points while considering to choose a best web hoster.
1.Amount of web space
2.FTP access
3.File type and size limitations
4.Reliability and speed of access
5.Supported languages
6.Bandwidth allotment
It's very helpful to choose the best hosting provider like

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