Earn more with Web 2.0

on Friday, June 5, 2009

Web 2.0 has brought an amazing change in the way people browse the net. It has brought the users and developers together connecting them directly in different ways. Perhaps more importantly, users can now interact directly with businesses and increasingly shape the directions businesses are taking.

Web 2.0 technologies, such as blogs, RSS feeds and other two way interactions, are allowing businesses to give their customers a voice that helps them improve their products, sales, and customer satisfaction. Hence by following some of these Tips you can increase your blog revenue by a great amount.
However, if you decide to engage with your visitors using these techniques, you will have to take the good with the bad because you will receive both positive and negative criticism.

The following are some of the best ways you can increase interaction with your visitors using Web 2.0:

Blogs - Thousands of companies have already embraced blogs as a way of interacting with customers. A blog could be about a particular product or service or group of product or services. While keeping visitors up to date, blogs also allow visitors to post comments and leave feedback which can be responded to.

Search Engine Optimization - Make sure your site is optimized so that you can be easily located on the major search engines.

Personalization - Web 2.0 technology allows for delivery of different content to different types of visitors.

RSS - Keep your visitors in the loop by offering an RSS feed on your website-allowing you to automatically send news, opinions, and advice.

User communities - You can also allow your visitors to interact with each other by setting up a user community on your website. Even a basic forum will allow visitors to exchange views and help each other. Do, of course, monitor all discussions to pinpoint visitors concerns to correct mistakes or highlight customer raves.

Interaction - Allow your visitors to interact with your members of staff directly through real time chat.

Podcasts and video - Create audio and video bulletins to keep your visitors up to date.

Tagging - Tagging can help you monitor the usefulness of the information you are providing to your visitors by allowing them to rate it.

These are just some of the ways that you can interact with and monitor the opinions of your visitors. Also consider establishing a presence on social networking websites, or using wikis as they can generate huge traffic for your site.

How effective the above methods execute for you will depend on what kind of business you have. However, there should be at least one technique that will allow you to use Web 2.0 to serve your visitors better.


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